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New Relic

New Relic provides development teams with an additional layer of observability at the application layer.

Why use New Relic?

Development teams choose New Relic for:

  • Application Monitoring (APM) - Deep code analysis of performance bottlenecks.
  • Error tracking - Correlate errors to a specific request and subset of application code.
  • Browser Monitoring - Collect and report on browser performance characteristics.
  • Synthetics Monitoring - Performant routine application feature scenario checks eg. Can users submit to the contact form.

How to Configure New Relic

The following steps outline how development teams can configure New Relic using the Skpr command line interface.

1. Configure

# Enable New Relic and connect the application to your 
skpr config set <ENVIRONMENT> newrelic.enabled true
skpr config set --secret <ENVIRONMENT> newrelic.license "xxxyyyzzz"

# The application name is used for discovery in New Relic user interface.
skpr config set <ENVIRONMENT> "My Application: Environment"

2. Deploy

The configuration will then be applied on the next application deployment.

CirleCI Integration

For the best developer experience we recommend you also configure CircleCI to record deployments.