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You can set aliases to simplify calling common commands.

For example, to pull the mysql db image from a dev environment, you would usually run the following command:

skpr mysql image pull dev

To create an alias for this command (e.g. mpd) you run the following:

skpr alias set mpd 'mysql image pull dev'

Now you are able to just run:

skpr mpd


You can also use placeholders to allow more re-usable aliases. For example:

skpr alias set mp 'mysql image pull $1'

Now you are able to run:

skpr mp dev

and it will run the full command for you.


usage: skpr alias <command> [<args> ...]

Commands used to manage Skpr aliases

  --help  Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).

  alias list [<flags>]
    List all aliases

  alias set [<flags>] <alias> <expansion>
    Sets an alias

  alias delete [<flags>] <alias>
    Delete an alias