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Decommission: Checklist

The following checklist outlines tasks which teams will want to consider when decommissioning a site on the Skpr hosting platform.

Roles and Responsibilities

The checklist provides basic guidance on which roles are responsible for which aspect of the decommission process.

We highly recommend an initial discovery call be carried out to solidify which parties are responsible for each checklist item.


Tasks to are to be completed in order

Task Role Description
🔲 Snapshot Database Development Team I have taken a snapshot of the applications production MySQL database eg. Drupal's drush sql-dump command.
🔲 Snapshot Files Development Team I have taken a snapshot of the applications production files eg. Drupal's public, private, temporary files
🔲 Snapshot Code Repository Development Team I have taken a snapshot of my code repository which contains both application code and hosting config
🔲 Snapshot Config Development Team I have taken a snapshot of the Skpr environment config returned by skpr config list ENVIRONMENT eg. dev, stg, prod etc
🔲 Remove DNS Entries Operations Team I have removed all DNS retries related to this application. I can still access the list on the and domains.
🔲 Close Adjacent Products Operations Team I have closed any service accounts/products that are related to the application eg. Github, CircleCI, New Relic, SMTP etc
🔲 Delete Adjacent Accounts Operations Team I have deleted any service accounts/credentials that are related to the application eg. New Relic, SMTP etc
🔲 Delete Project Skpr Platform Team I have deleted the Skpr project. The application is now unavailable.