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This page describes the various ways you can download the Skpr CLI tool and install it to a location in your PATH environment variable.


To install on Debian or Ubuntu systems, add the apt repository and public key to your config, then update and install.

wget -q -O- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ > /dev/null
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/] stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skpr.list > /dev/null
sudo apt update && sudo apt install skpr


Homebrew is a package manager for MacOS and Linux. See for more details and installation information.


brew tap skpr/taps
brew install skpr


brew upgrade skpr

Precompiled binaries

We offer a variety of precompiled binaries on our releases page.

Here's a quick overview of them.


curl -sSLO
sudo tar -zxf skpr_darwin_amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/

Note: You'll need to replace VERSION in the URL with the version that you're after. For example: 0.12.1.


We offer a variety of Linux distribution methods, which are detailed below.

Install from .deb

For Linux systems based on Debian, or those that can install from .deb files, we package one which can be downloaded straight from the releases page on GitHub.

If you need help installing from .deb files, you'll find plenty of how-to information online. A good starting point is this blog post by Linuxize.

Install from .rpm

For Linux systems based on CentOS or Fedora, or those that can install from .rpm files, we package one which can be downloaded straight from the releases page on GitHub.

If you need help installing from .rpm files, there is plenty of information available online. Start with this Linuxize blog post.

Install from the AUR

We also have an unofficial package available on the Arch User Repository for users who can utilize it. Bear in mind that this distribution method is unofficial and so may not always be up-to-date.

You're welcome to flag it as out of date so that the maintainer can update it.

It's only available on the community stream of packages under the name skpr, and does not include -bin or -git varieties as there's only one source for the binaries.

pacman -Sy skpr

Native AMD64 binaries

If none of the other option are available, you may be able to download and use our binaries precompiled for AMD64 architectures.

curl -sSLO
sudo tar -zxf skpr_linux_amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/

Note: You'll need to replace VERSION in the URL with the version that you're after. For example: 0.12.1.


We offer a variety of Windows distribution methods, which are detailed below.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

WSL provides developers with access to a Linux runtime. This means that by using WSL developers are able to use all the options outlined above in our Linux installation instructions.


Skpr provides an executable for Windows via the Skpr CLI releases page.

This feature is classed as alpha and will be promoted to stable in a future release.


Documentation can be found at